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Directed by

Alassane Diago




Country: Senegal


Duration: 1 hour 45 minutes



Forty protagonists, witnesses and victims look back at the 1989 massacres on both sides of the Senegal River, the border between Mauritania and Senegal, in order to understand what really happened, and try to take a step towards reconciliation together.

“In 1989, after a clash near the border between Mauritanian shepherds and Senegalese peasants, an incredible escalation of racist violence took place in the two countries. These events caused thousands of deaths and tens of thousands of refugees. Today, despite appearances, the wounds have not healed. With this film, I want to try to understand what really happened, I want to pay tribute to the dead, and above all, I want to take a step towards reconciliation.” Alassane Diago

Directors’ Bio

Alassane Diago

Alassane Diago was born in 1985 in Agnam Lidoubé, Senegal. After completing an audiovisual training course in Dakar in 2007, he took several courses in directing techniques and scriptwriting, notably with the documentary filmmaker Samba Félix Ndiaye. He worked on various film sets, including Lili-et-le baobab directed by Chantal Richard, before directing his first feature-length documentary, Les Larmes de l’émigration (2010), which won several awards. Alassane Diago now lives in Paris.

Director Statement

The victims of the massacres and deportations of April 1989 are today in the thousands: bruised, ruined, and neglected. They live in acute suffering, in silence – their tragic history remains taboo.

I create an temporary place where all the stories of the victims can be told and heard, a complex and subtle meeting space where the different actors in this conflict can reconstruct the story of this tragedy together, to heal wounds and prepare for the future.


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