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Beni Youth


    Title: Gaza Is Our Home


    Directed by

    Monear Shaer



    Country: Palestine, State of, United States

    Duration: 1 hour 6 minutes 36 seconds


    “This was not the documentary I wanted to make.”

    Rather, it was a project born out of necessity…amidst the losses of the film-maker’s own loved ones.

    With over 150 family members trapped in the Gaza Strip, and the devastating loss of 33 family members in November 2023. It became clear that the horrors faced by his own family in Gaza were too unbearable to ignore. Monear immediately began production on a film to unveil the untold and heart-wrenching realities faced by his own family.

    In mid-October 2023, an auto-generated slideshow of Monear’s trip in 2021 to his family’s homeland of Gaza was created on his iPhone’s photo album…

    That slideshow alone was enough to bring tears to all who watched.

    What began as a simple slideshow highlighting the beauty of the people of Gaza, primarily through footage and photos of his own trip to see family in 2021, has since transformed into a feature-length documentary.

    Ultimately, “Gaza Is Our Home” stands as a testament to the humanity behind the over 33,362 innocent lives massacred since Oct 7..

    The film transcends political rhetoric and confronts audiences with the raw human toll of the ongoing cruelty.

    It’s not just a documentary.
    Rather, it’s an earnest reminder that behind the headlines and statistics, there are real lives – lives that have been tormented by struggle, loss, and unimaginable agony for decades.

    “I created this film because it was an obligation of my own privilege to try to show the humanity behind who these people are.”
    – Monear Shaer –

    Directors’ Bio

    Monear Shaer

    Monear Shaer, spent most of his life pursuing a career as a videographer and digital media expert. His love of videography dates back to his high school years.

    In fact, his journey into the world of media production began during his freshman year at Niceville High School. It was here that he discovered his passion for storytelling and digital cinema, laying the foundation for a career as a simple videographer… It’s this dramatic departure from his usual role as a videographer for local businesses, that’s important to note.

    Throughout his career, Monear has remained dedicated to his craft, leveraging his skills to empower local businesses and communities. With a keen eye for detail and a commitment to quality, he has spent several years producing digital content that captured the essence of the Emerald Coast lifestyle.

    From internships where he learned the basics of this industry to collaborations with a variety of industries as a freelancer, he has continuously sought to expand his skill set and push the boundaries of authentic creative expression.

    In stark contrast to the idyllic career unfolding in front of him, Monear made an abrupt change from within, as it became clear his humble abilities would stain his soul, if not used to reveal the reality of what his family was facing.

    Monear’s mission became clear: to shine a light on the untold struggles of his people, to humanize their suffering, and to challenge the world to confront its complicity in their oppression.

    The production of “Gaza Is Our Home” was not merely a creative pursuit; it was a pain-staking duty—a project that hopes to transcend the boundaries of art and commerce.

    His goal, is to implant in his audiences an unyielding commitment to justice and to prove our shared humanity through an unwavering belief in the transformative power of storytelling.

    Director Statement

    “As the filmmaker behind ’Gaza Is Our Home’ it is incumbent on me to explain that this film is a deeply personal attempt to express the dire circumstances faced by my own family and all of the residents of Gaza.

    With over 150 relatives trapped in the Gaza Strip, my life as a simple videographer for a real estate firm changed dramatically with the news of the devastating loss of 33 of my family members. As I struggled to navigate this nightmare, I was abruptly let go of my job, and it soon became increasingly clear that the horrors faced by my own family in Gaza were too unbearable to ignore.

    It is my hope, that this transformation of a slideshow turned feature-length documentary becomes a testament to the resilience and humanity of those affected by the ongoing crisis.

    It’s essential to acknowledge that this endeavor was undertaken without the support of any studio or financial backing. Instead, fueled by a profound sense of obligation, I embarked on this journey out of necessity, armed with my camera, my faith, and the memories of my home, with a hope to shed light on the realities of injustice and the suffering of my people.

    Working tirelessly on this project, I find myself navigating uncharted territory. With each passing day, the crisis in Gaza deepens, and the urgency to document the unfolding tragedy grows more and more pronounced.

    This is my attempt to underscore Gaza’s defiant pleas of their right to exist and be heard in a world that has long ignored their cries for justice. But even with the best of my abilities, on my own, I realize that my documentary can only scratch the surface of the true devastation unfolding in Gaza. The ongoing genocide casts a shadow too vast and dark for any single film to fully capture. As the crisis continues to unfold, it becomes increasingly clear that the responsibility to amplify these voices and stories extends far beyond the confines of this documentary. It is my fervent hope that this film will serve as a catalyst for meaningful action.

    It is now a collective responsibility, shared by all who bear witness to the suffering of Gaza, to rally behind this project and ensure its message reaches the widest possible audience. “Gaza Is Our Home” is not just a film; it is a call to action, a plea for solidarity in the face of unspeakable horror.

    As “Gaza Is Our Home” prepares to make its mark on the world stage, I am reminded of the profound privilege and responsibility that comes with having witnessed the suffering of others, and it is my hope to inspire viewers around the globe to stand in solidarity with the people of Gaza and to demand justice for all of the victims of this brutality.

    This is not just a film: It is a unifying call for all viewers to make it part of their life’s purpose to help rebuild Gaza, to hold the oppressors accountable, and to stand in solidarity with those who have suffered in agony for decades.”

    “Gaza is not just a place on a map—it is our home.” – Monear Shaer

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