Climate Media Campaign
Raising climate awareness while fostering respect for human rights in frontline communities in the Global South
Submissions for film screenings in frontline community screenings to raise climate awareness.
What we are looking for:
- High quality completed and engaging and compelling feature length and short documentary films from the global south with strong climate change themes.
- If the film is not completed, we welcome rough cuts for submissions as long as the film would be completed in time.
- The filmmaker must have a clearly defined goal and outcomes for the outreach screening campaign
- The filmmaker must have a clearly identified beneficiary community
- We encourage the filmmaker to go beyond the clichéd community outreach screening and seek to engage and collaborate with the community and others and make the event memorable.
- The filmmaker must have a strong social media engagement strategy
including a website with all the information about the film and outreach campaign engagement tools to help audiences act and drive the awareness process
- The filmmaker must clearly outline how they will evaluate the impact and success of their awareness film screening campaign
- The filmmaker must have clearly planned out agenda for the screening event and how it will be documented.
- Bold and insightful films by that bring light stories of women and climate change in the Global South will also be strongly considered
- Submission is through or our website
- Deadline for submissions is July 31, 2023.
- Selected filmmakers will be required to pitch their project online in July 2023 at the Durban International Film Festival in South Africa
- Successful applicants will receive between US$3000- US$5000 for their community climate awareness film screening campaigns.

Climate film submissions for the festival in October 2023
What we are looking for:
- High-quality completed feature-length and short documentary films from the global south with strong climate change themes.
- The film must have a strong outreach campaign plan including a website and a social media engagement strategy
- A total of 20 films will be selected for festival screening to be held both on-site and online
- Bold and insightful films that bring light stories of women and climate change in the Global South will also be strongly considered
- Four outstanding films at the event will be awarded USD$2000 each
- Through partnerships, a total of five films will be selected for screening during our capacity building workshop event to be held at the prestigious 44th Durban International Film Festival to beheld between July 20 and July 30, 2023
- Through partnerships, some films will be selected for grassroots awareness screenings in frontline communities in Southern Africa
- Submission is through or through our website
- Deadline is July 31, 2023

Climate Media Workshops & Screenings

Filmmaking Fundamentals

Video Editing Techniques